Funny or Die Dancing Supermarket Cow

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Although there are plot spoilers for Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair in this guide, they are hidden by default so that new players can experience the game spoiler-free.
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Homepage Alert Monokuma.png

Chiaki Nanami Fullbody Sprite (10).png

This article covers information about Chiaki Nanami's Free Time Events, which feature in the game Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair.


Hajime Hinata can initiate a Free Time Event with Chiaki at the following times:

KEY: O Can talk to X Cannot talk to Sad Face.png Depressed
Note: Due to plot reasons, you cannot spend the fourth Free Time Event (5th Hope Fragment) with Chiaki in all of Chapter 1. However, you could spend the first to third and last Free Time Event with her (2nd-4th, 6th Hope Fragments) in all chapters she is available in (including Chapter 1).
CHAPTER: 1 2 3 4 5
FREE TIME: 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2


Chiaki can be found at the following locations during Free Time:

Chapter 1
1 2 3 4

Danganronpa 2 FTE Locations 1.1 Chiaki Hotel - Lobby.jpg

Danganronpa 2 FTE Locations 1.2 Chiaki Hotel - Lobby.jpg

Danganronpa 2 FTE Locations 1.3 Chiaki Hotel - Lobby.jpg

Danganronpa 2 FTE Locations 1.4 Chiaki Cottage.jpg

Chiaki's Cottage
Chapter 2
1 2 3 4

Danganronpa 2 FTE Locations 2.2 Chiaki Hotel - Lobby.jpg

Danganronpa 2 FTE Locations 2.2 Chiaki Hotel - Lobby.jpg

Danganronpa 2 FTE Locations 2.3 Chiaki Hotel - Lobby.jpg

Danganronpa 2 FTE Locations 2.4 Chiaki Hotel - Lobby.jpg

Chapter 3
1 2 3 4

Danganronpa 2 FTE Locations 3.1 Chiaki Hotel - Lobby.jpg

Danganronpa 2 FTE Locations 3.2 Chiaki Hotel - Lobby.jpg

Danganronpa 2 FTE Locations 3.3 Chiaki Cottage.jpg

Danganronpa 2 FTE Locations 3.4 Chiaki Hotel - Lobby.jpg

Chiaki's Cottage Hotel
Chapter 4
1 2 3 4 5

Danganronpa 2 FTE Locations 4.1 Chiaki Deluxe Room.png

Danganronpa 2 FTE Locations 4.2 Chiaki Lounge.png

Danganronpa 2 FTE Locations 4.3 Chiaki Strawberry Tower.png

Danganronpa 2 FTE Locations 4.4 Chiaki Deluxe Room.png

Danganronpa 2 FTE Locations 4.5 Chiaki 2th Floor.png

Grape House
(Deluxe Room)
Grape House
Strawberry House
(Strawberry Tower)
Grape House
(Deluxe Room)
Grape House
(2nd Floor)
Chapter 5
1 2

Danganronpa 2 FTE Locations 5.1 Chiaki Hotel - Lobby.png

Danganronpa 2 FTE Locations 5.2 Chiaki Hotel - Lobby.png



Chiaki prefers the following presents from the MonoMono Machine:

Chiaki Nanami Island Mode Icon.png

Loves: 041. Tips & Tips 2nd Edition, 062. Power Gauntlet, 064. Nitro Racer, 086. Century Potpourri, 102. Rose In Vitro, 103. Skullhead Mask
Likes: 015. Viva Ice, 018. Sunflower Seeds, 033. Hope's Peak Ring, 057. Many-Sided Dice Set, 058. The Funbox, 059. The Funplane, 065. Slap Bracelet, 068. Go Stone, 073. Moon Rock, 078. Marine Snow, 080. Mini Wave-Dissipaters, 081. Stardust, 088. Seven Sword

Present Reactions

When you give Chiaki a present, she will give you a different reaction depending on how much she likes it. There are multiple possible reactions for each "tier" of present, and which of the reactions you receive is random. Each line is a separate response.

Loves did you know I wanted that?
I'm totally surprised. I never expected you to have such an awesome secret ability.
Thank you. You've made me really happy.
Hm, isn't that a pretty rare item?
Hmm, this seems a little... I feel like it might raise the flag.
Hajime... You seem to be holding something pretty nice.
...Thank you. No one has ever given me such an awesome present before.
You're giving this to me...?
Thanks. I'll take good care of it and use it.
Ah, that...looks like something I'd really enjoy.
Yep, I'm happy! Thanks.
Huh? That looks fun.
I'll play around with different ways of using it when I go back to my room. Thanks.
If you're giving this to me, I guess I'll accept it.
Yep, thanks.
I can have this? ...Thank you.
Hmm... I don't think you can raise the flag with this item.
A present from Hajime...
Ah, yeah, I'm actually really happy. Thanks.
You're gonna give that to me? Hmmm...I don't know what to use it for...
Sorry, but no thanks.
Hmm...I think you're giving that item to the wrong person.
It might be better if you give it to someone who'd be happier about receiving it.
Hm...I see...
You must really hate me, Hajime...
Hmm... I can't really judge that precisely at my current skill level...
Still, I can't really accept a cursed item like that.

Skills Granted

Becoming close to Chiaki will grant Hajime the following skills, which will aid him:

FTE Name Description Cost
#5 Cheat Code The time limit doesn't decrease, even if you shoot a statement with the silencer.
Effective during the Nonstop Debate.
Cannot be combined with Infinity Unlimited Flame.
4 SP

Free Time Event Dialogue & Option Guide

Full dialogue from Chiaki's Free Time Events:

DR2 Hope Fragment (1).png Introduction (Page 1)


Guide Project Chiaki 20.png


Guide Project Hajime 01.png

There's some girl playing an arcade game, and she looks completely absorbed by it....

Guide Project Chiaki 20.png


Guide Project Komaeda 23.png

Hajime, you haven't properly introduced yourself to her either, right?

Guide Project Hajime 02.png're right...
She seems really focused on her game, but I guess I should try to talk to her.
Um, excuse me? I'd like to introduce myself...

Guide Project Chiaki 20.png


Guide Project Komaeda 10.png

...Hey, Chiaki?

Guide Project Chiaki 03.png

Oh, sorry... I must've been...a little too focused on my game...

Guide Project Komaeda 17.png

A little...? Are you sure about that?

Guide Project Chiaki 08.png

Let's see... Oh, right, introductions. Got it.

Guide Project Chiaki 01.png

I'm Chiaki Nanami, the Ultimate Gamer . Video games are my hobby, and I'm a fan of all genres.

Guide Project Chiaki 03.png

Nice to meet you.

Guide Project Hajime 17.png

I'm Hajime Hinata. Nice to meet you, too...

Guide Project Chiaki 20.png


Guide Project Chiaki 03.png

Yeah, totally.

Guide Project Hajime 02.png

It seems like this conversation is going rather slow...

Guide Project Komaeda 25.png

Well, she is gaming right now...

Guide Project Chiaki 01.png

It's more like...

Guide Project Chiaki 20.png

I'm the kind of person who has to gather my thoughts before I can start talking.
Like, I can't talk that well unless I've already prepared everything I want to say in my head...
Especially when I'm meeting new people... Well, if I get used to them, I can usually talk a little faster.

Guide Project Hajime 01.png

...She's still focused on her game, and she hasn't looked at me at all...
She may be the Ultimate Gamer but how can she play video games at a time like this...?

Guide Project Chiaki 02.png


Guide Project Chiaki 06.png

...I'm sleepy.
Obtained Hope Fragment.

DR2 Hope Fragment (2).png Free Time Event 1 (Page 2)

Invite Chiaki to hang out

Guide Project Chiaki 01.png


Guide Project Hajime 02.png

She's staring off into space again, as usual...

Guide Project Chiaki 01.png


Guide Project Chiaki 15.png


Guide Project Chiaki 06.png

...Ah, sorry. I was getting a little sleep.

Guide Project Hajime 01.png

While you were standing? Impressive.
Have you not been sleeping well?

Guide Project Chiaki 01.png

Hmm, when I'm gaming I tend to forget about sleeping.
Sometimes I even forget to breathe.

Guide Project Hajime 03.png

That's not good...!

Guide Project Chiaki 01.png

Plus, I keep having nightmares. I had a bad dream the other day so I've been a little scared.

Guide Project Hajime 02.png

Can I ask what kind of dream you had?

Guide Project Chiaki 01.png was a dream about "Trio the Punch".[1]

Guide Project Hajime 01.png


Guide Project Chiaki 08.png

The statue at Jabberwock Island changed into a bald old man with a thin mustache.
It's probably because that game also takes place on a tropical island.[2]

Guide Project Chiaki 13.png

The more I think about it, the more this situation feels like that bizarre action game.
We might eventually end up turning into sheep.[3]

Guide Project Hajime 23.png

"Trio the Punch" is...a game, right? What kind of game is it?
More must really enjoy games, huh Chiaki?

Guide Project Chiaki 08.png

Hm, how should I put it? I like it, but gaming is my life. Or maybe life is just a game?

Guide Project Chiaki 20.png

Either way...that's all the more reason why killings shouldn't be allowed.
It's not a game if you're not having fun. It doesn't mean anything if you just focus on winning or losing.

Guide Project Hajime 17.png

...You're right.
It doesn't mean games always have to have happy endings, but you should get something out of beating them.

Guide Project Chiaki 20.png

There might be weird games here and there, but there are ways of enjoying those, too.
That's why bizarre games are fun. You can beat them as long as you do your very best.

Guide Project Hajime 02.png

Haha... As expected of the Ultimate Gamer . I would probably just give up on a game like that...

Guide Project Chiaki 08.png tell you the truth, there's one type of game that I'm not really good at.

Guide Project Hajime 01.png

I see...what is it?

Guide Project Chiaki 12.png

...I won't tell you.

Guide Project Hajime 02.png

I-I see...
D-Does she have a reason for not telling me?
Well, just by talking to Chiaki, I feel like I was able to understand her a little better...
So I guess that's good enough for now.
I parted ways with Chiaki and went back to my room...
Chiaki's Report Card has been updated based on your experience with her.

DR2 Hope Fragment (3).png Free Time Event 2 (Page 3)

Invite Chiaki to hang out

Guide Project Chiaki 15.png


Guide Project Hajime 01.png

Is she sleeping again...?
Hey, if you're that sleepy, why don't you just go back to your room and rest?

Guide Project Chiaki 06.png

Ah, no... Since you're here...let's talk.

Guide Project Chiaki 02.png

If you give up at this level, you'll never defeat the Warlock Lord.
"My adventure ended like this"... That's all you're gonna get.[4]

Guide Project Hajime 02.png

Looks like she's half-asleep...

Guide Project Chiaki 03.png

Huh...? I can't believe you don't get my Shadowgate joke.

Guide Project Hajime 01.png

Hey, if you're bored, do you want to go somewhere? You might wake up if you go for a walk.

Guide Project Chiaki 08.png

I want to a fun place.
Guide Project Hajime 02.png A fun place, huh...?
The park

Guide Project Hajime 01.png

How about the park?

Guide Project Chiaki 01.png

When you're playing a game at the park...all the kids just gather around for no reason...
There was a game you're only able to play in the sun... It's very difficult for adults and shut-ins to play.

Guide Project Hajime 02.png

Looks like she wants to go somewhere else...
The airport

Guide Project Hajime 01.png

Want to check out the airport?

Guide Project Chiaki 01.png

There might be a gunfight at the I don't want to go...
Do you get motion sickness when you watch someone who sucks play an FPS?

Guide Project Hajime 02.png

I should choose somewhere else...
The supermarket

Guide Project Hajime 01.png

Should we go check out the supermarket?

Guide Project Chiaki 03.png

I like running over zombies with skateboards and wheelchairs.
Chainsaws are the strongest though.[5]
...It sounds fun so it's fine.

Guide Project Hajime 17.png

I don't really know what it means, but I guess it's fine if Chiaki is okay with it.
Chiaki and I walked to the supermarket together.

Guide Project Hajime 17.png

Christmas ornaments, bamboo grass for the Star Festival...
This place has too much of everything!

Guide Project Chiaki 08.png


Guide Project Hajime 01.png

Hm? What happened, Chiaki?

Guide Project Chiaki 08.png

What is this? These sweets look cute.

Guide Project Hajime 17.png

Oh, those are sweet rice crackers for Girls' Day. Man, this place seriously has everything.

Guide Project Chiaki 08.png

I see...they're called "sweet rice crackers".

Guide Project Hajime 01.png

You eat them during Girl's Day, you know?

Guide Project Chiaki 09.png

What's Girls' Day...?

Guide Project Hajime 03.png

Huh...? You's on March 3rd. You're a girl...didn't you celebrate it with your family...?

Guide Project Chiaki 04.png


Guide Project Hajime 19.png

...Ah, crap.
I'm sure she has her reasons for not knowing. But even so, I...
Ah,'s nothing. Forget about what I

Guide Project Chiaki 01.png

I don't really mind. I...did have a family. My father.

Guide Project Hajime 01.png

You *had* a father? Then your mother...
...No, I shouldn't ask about something like that.

Guide Project Chiaki 11.png

Hey what is Girls' Day anyway?

Guide Project Hajime 17.png

It's a doll festival held on March 3rd. Dolls are set up so you can pray for girls' health and success.
And eat stuff like sweet rice crackers or mochi that comes in different colors.

Guide Project Chiaki 08.png

I see...

Guide Project Chiaki 05.png

That's amazing, Hajime. You know a lot.

Guide Project Hajime 02.png

It's nothing, really...
I'm not saying everyone is supposed to know this...
But for her not to know what Girls' Day is... What kind of past does Chiaki have...?

Guide Project Chiaki 05.png

...Hey, let's go somewhere again, okay?

Guide Project Hajime 17.png

Yeah, let's do this again.
We made that promise and left the supermarket.
I need to think about a place I can take Chiaki that will make her happy...
I took Chiaki back to her room, otherwise she'd just find a random place to fall asleep if I let her be...
Chiaki's Report Card has been updated based on your experience with her.

DR2 Hope Fragment (4).png Free Time Event 3 (Page 4)

Invite Chiaki to hang out

Guide Project Chiaki 15.png


Guide Project Hajime 01.png

Every single time... I can't believe how quickly she falls asleep in such a short time.

Guide Project Chiaki 15.png

Samurai head... Statue of Liberty... Ah, don't shoot the beam there...
This is bad... Zombie Nation...eating up humans...[6]

Guide Project Hajime 02.png she dreaming about a game? I have no idea what kind of game she's talking about.

Guide Project Chiaki 06.png

...Ah, sorry. I think I was sleeping again.

Guide Project Hajime 01.png

Were you playing a video game in your dream, too?

Guide Project Chiaki 06.png

Yeah. It was fun cuz it was a shooting game.

Guide Project Hajime 17.png

I see, so you like those kinds of games.

Guide Project Chiaki 01.png

I'm pretty all-inclusive. I'll play anything from Space Invaders to the latest military shooters.
Ah, I also like simulation games.
...Right now, I mainly play real-time strategy games, but I like turn-based ones too.

Guide Project Chiaki 03.png

...So, where do you want to go today?

Guide Project Hajime 02.png How about we go to the ranch today?

Guide Project Chiaki 03.png

I...don't really like...animals that much.

Guide Project Hajime 03.png

Huh...? Really?

Guide Project Chiaki 08.png

They're warm when you touch them, you know? That's...a little scary.
It's kinda hard to guess what they'll do next...

Guide Project Chiaki 03.png

I'm better at games that use precise calculations, where success and failure is decided by numerical values.'s hard for me to play games where I have to manage relationships and guess what characters are feeling.

Guide Project Hajime 01.png

I see...
Maybe...that has something to do with her upbringing...
I don't want to do things Chiaki will hate, but it feels lonely to just leave her like this...
How about we look at the animals from far away?
The ones at the ranch are pretty tame. You can even try to touch them if it looks safe.

Guide Project Chiaki 08.png


Guide Project Chiaki 01.png

If you teach me lots of things, it'll probably be okay...I think.

Guide Project Hajime 02.png

Is she...relying on me? If so, that makes me happy.
Chiaki and I decided to walk to the ranch.

Guide Project Chiaki 11.png

Oh my, it's a cow.
...I wonder if it's gonna dance like the one in "Dancing Eyes".[7]

Guide Project Hajime 20.png

That...might be a little difficult.

Guide Project Chiaki 08.png

Maybe...I should try touching it a little.

Guide Project Hajime 01.png

Chiaki walked up to the cow and cautiously pet its back.
The cow seemed not to mind, and continued silently eating grass...

Guide Project Chiaki 13.png

Wow! It's really warm!

Guide Project Hajime 01.png

Well...that's because it's alive.

Guide Project Chiaki 01.png

I're right.
Unlike humans...animals don't mind being touched that much. So that might make it easier for me.
If you touch a person, something is born from that interaction, right? Repulsion, anticipation, whatever...
I'm...nervous about stuff like that. It makes me think I'm better off not doing anything unnecessary.

Guide Project Hajime 01.png

Chiaki's feelings seem a little odd...but I do understand where she's coming from.
I hope one day she can touch not just cows, but people too...
Ah, you know...if we milk this cow, I'm sure the fresh milk must be really tasty.

Guide Project Chiaki 09.png

Milk this cow?

Guide Project Hajime 03.png

...Um, you know that milk comes from cows, right?

Guide Project Chiaki 09.png

What do you mean, "from"? Milk is milk, right?

Guide Project Hajime 01.png

You know, if you pull a cow's udders, milk comes out. You only need one cow to get as much milk as you want.

Guide Project Chiaki 03.png

As much as you want...?

Guide Project Chiaki 13.png

But if you try to cut open a milk bottle...a cow comes out of it, right?
And it dances, right? I knew it! It's definitely "Dancing Eyes"!

Guide Project Hajime 02.png

Seriously...what kind of game is she talking about...?
I explained how milk works to Chiaki in detail...
Why are there so many things she doesn't know...? As usual, Chiaki is full of mysteries.
Chiaki started to feel sleepy from playing too much, so after sending her off, I returned to my room...
Chiaki's Report Card has been updated based on your experience with her.

DR2 Hope Fragment (5).png Free Time Event 4 (Page 5)

Invite Chiaki to hang out

Guide Project Chiaki 13.png

Hey, hey, where do you want to go today?

Guide Project Hajime 01.png

This is the first time I've seen Chiaki look so interested...
And...she's not even sleeping.
Maybe she was looking forward to this...
Let's see... Why don't we check out the storage room in the old building? We might find something interesting.

Guide Project Chiaki 03.png

Like Sokoban... That's a fun game to play.
It's this old puzzle game where you have to push boxes in a warehouse to their assigned spots.

Guide Project Hajime 17.png

Oh, I see...

Guide Project Chiaki 11.png

Then...let's win over Monomi so we can go inside the storage room.
Chiaki pumped herself up and after winning over Monomi, we went into the storage room.

Guide Project Chiaki 08.png

Hmm...there's not a whole lot you can push and pull.

Guide Project Hajime 01.png

Don't tell me you were serious about playing Sokoban in the storage room?
No wonder she seemed so excited about coming here.

Guide Project Chiaki 03.png

Hey Hajime, are you good at puzzle games?

Guide Project Hajime 02.png

Nah, I'm not that good at using my brain.

Guide Project Chiaki 09.png

Huh, really? Maybe you just don't like them because you haven't played that many?

Guide Project Chiaki 03.png

You know how to properly theorize in order to view things, and you can calmly manage when it's important...
I feel like you'd be good at puzzle games once you got the hang of it.

Guide Project Hajime 03.png

Huh? You really see me like that...?
Th-That kind of embarrasses me...

Guide Project Chiaki 01.png

For example, Rubik's cubes and jigsaw puzzles are puzzle games, too.

Guide Project Hajime 17.png

Oh yeah. I remember putting together a lot of jigsaw puzzles when I was little...

Guide Project Chiaki 03.png

Yep yep, then you already know the trick, right?
Guide Project Hajime 02.png The trick to jigsaw puzzles...
Assemble from intuition

Guide Project Hajime 01.png

You mean...assemble them randomly based on intuition?

Guide Project Chiaki 01.png

That might sound fun, but you also waste a whole lot of time.

Guide Project Hajime 02.png

She's right. She must mean a different trick...
Assemble from the middle

Guide Project Hajime 01.png

You mean...assemble them from the middle?

Guide Project Chiaki 01.png

If you do it like that intentionally, it's amazing in its own way. It's a new way of enjoying things.

Guide Project Hajime 02.png

She's right, but that doesn't sound realistic at all.
Assemble from the outer pieces

Guide Project Hajime 01.png

Um, you assemble from the outer pieces, right?

Guide Project Chiaki 01.png

That's right...first you separate the pieces with edges.
Afterward, you separate the leftovers by color. It makes putting it together a lot easier.

Guide Project Hajime 17.png

I see... Now I kinda feel like putting one together since it's been such a long time.

Guide Project Chiaki 08.png

Ah...that reminds me, my father always programmed puzzle games.

Guide Project Hajime 01.png

Your father is a programmer?

Guide Project Chiaki 05.png

Yep. Apparently...he was pretty manly when he was focusing in front of his laptop.

Guide Project Chiaki 08.png

But...I heard he couldn't solve a puzzle he made and it really depressed him.
But since he hated losing, he actually went out of his way to write a separate program...
And then he made the program do stuff like a brute force attack!

Guide Project Hajime 03.png


Guide Project Chiaki 12.png
It's a way of forcibly finding the answer. No worries though, it's normal for you not to know.

Guide Project Hajime 02.png

I don't really understand, but it seems like Chiaki also knows about programming.
But more importantly...why does everything she say about her father sound like hearsay?
Wouldn't that mean...she didn't personally see it?

Guide Project Chiaki 09.png

Ah...we should get going and head back.

Guide Project Hajime 01.png're right...

Guide Project Chiaki 01.png


Guide Project Hajime 01.png

I quickly opened my arms and caught Chiaki as she fell into them.
A-Are you okay?

Guide Project Chiaki 01.png


Guide Project Chiaki 21.png

Ah, how embarrassing... I've never tripped before in my life...

Guide Project Hajime 01.png

As she said that...she stepped away from my chest.
My heart...sounds really loud.
Of course it does... It's my heart.

Guide Project Chiaki 21.png

Ah, that surprised me. You're pretty hard, Hajime.

Guide Project Hajime 03.png

Huh? HUH...? Ah, um...that is...

Guide Project Chiaki 05.png

Unlike me, your arms and chest are really built. You're definitely a boy.

Guide Project Hajime 23.png

Oh, that's what you meant... Yeah, that's obvious.

Guide Project Chiaki 05.png

But I'm glad you caught me. That means I'll be fine in case of emergencies...

Guide Project Chiaki 06.png

Even if I suddenly get sleepy...I'll be fine... You can carry me...

Guide Project Chiaki 15.png


Guide Project Hajime 10.png

H-Hey! Don't sleep!

Guide Project Chiaki 06.png

I desperately tried to keep Chiaki from falling asleep, and walked her back to her room...
Chiaki's Report Card has been updated based on your experience with her.

DR2 Hope Fragment (Full).png Free Time Event 5 (Page 6)

Invite Chiaki to hang out

Guide Project Chiaki 08.png

Um...there's somewhere I wanna go with you today...
...Is that okay?

Guide Project Hajime 17.png

Yeah, of course. Anywhere is fine.
It's the first time Chiaki has picked a place herself. My heart is starting to race...
Chiaki took me to the beach.

Guide Project Chiaki 11.png


Guide Project Hajime 01.png

She's looking around for some reason...
Hey...why'd you pick the beach after all this time?
...Did you want to swim or something?

Guide Project Chiaki 08.png those types of games, usually...

Guide Project Chiaki 13.png'd put lotion on my back, right?
And then you'd touch me in a weird place and I'd yell at you. It's a standard tactic.

Guide Project Chiaki 09.png

Huh? Which reminds me...where do you think the legendary tree is growing...?[8]

Guide Project Hajime 02.png

...What kind of game are you talking about now?

Guide Project Chiaki 03.png

I shall give you three choices for what we're going to do from now on.
...Please select from the following three.

Guide Project Hajime 01.png

Is this a new game of hers or something...?
I opened the piece of paper Chiaki gave me...
Guide Project Hajime 02.png Do I really have to choose one of these...?
Celebrate in the ocean

Guide Project Hajime 01.png

Celebrate in the ocean...? I don't even know what this means...

Guide Project Chiaki 20.png

Then you shouldn't have gone on that boat in the first place.

Guide Project Hajime 02.png

Why is this choice even an option in the first place...?
Hug Chiaki

Guide Project Hajime 01.png

Then...I hug Chiaki.
...Just kidding!

Guide Project Chiaki 01.png

Oh, you were...? I'm glad you were just kidding.
If you did something that violent so suddenly, it would've been very bad.
All the flags in the story would've been lowered, and the affection meter would've drastically decreased.

Guide Project Hajime 02.png

This is pretty difficult...
Happy Happy Joy Joy

Guide Project Hajime 02.png

"Happy Happy Joy Joy"...? What does this even mean?

Guide Project Chiaki 08.png

Hmm, I don't really know either, but it's probably something like this.

Guide Project Hajime 01.png

Suddenly, Chiaki started running.

Guide Project Chiaki 11.png

Um... Catch me if you can!

Guide Project Hajime 01.png

She continued running across the beach...
I had no choice, so I chased after her...

Guide Project Hajime 18.png

After chasing her around for a little bit, we felt really tired and sat down on the beach...
Chiaki...what in the world are we doing...?

Guide Project Chiaki 14.png

Hm...I was thinking about...overcoming the genre...l'm bad at...

Guide Project Hajime 02.png

Bad at? Oh, now I remember. The other day you mentioned that there are games you're not good at.

Guide Project Chiaki 14.png father also wasn't good at things like this. Well, the most difficult, after all.

Guide Project Chiaki 08.png

But...hmm, I see... So this is what it feels like.

Guide Project Hajime 01.png

Why do you feel convinced by yourself...?

Guide Project Chiaki 05.png

Just now...that was a date, right?

Guide Project Hajime 02.png

I think those are usually a little different...
But I sort of understand what Chiaki meant when she said she's not good at this genre.
She probably sims.

Guide Project Chiaki 05.png

After spending time with you, I realized something for the first time.
There are a lot of things I still don't understand.
For example, I know how babies are made, but I don't really know how to fall in love with someone.
...That sort of thing.

Guide Project Hajime 23.png

Why...would you use that as an example...!?

Guide Project Chiaki 11.png

Oh, what happened? Your face is red, Hajime.

Guide Project Hajime 03.png

N-Nothing happened...!

Guide Project Chiaki 03.png

...Just as I thought, there's still a bunch of stuff I don't know anything about.
I want to know more about lots of things!
Cuz if I do, I'll be able to understand much more...l think.

Guide Project Chiaki 21.png

So...can you keep teaching me, Hajime...?

Guide Project Hajime 17.png

Yeah, of course.
But in order to do that... We need to hurry up and get off this island.

Guide Project Chiaki 01.png


Guide Project Chiaki 05.png

...Don't ever forget about me. Even after you get out of here...

Guide Project Hajime 01.png

I don't know why Chiaki would say something like that...
But there's no denying this strong bond I feel between Chiaki and myself...
I will definitely get out of here...and take Chiaki to a lot of different places...
After discussing different areas about where we should go next, I returned to my room...
Chiaki's Report Card has been updated based on your experience with her.
You just unlocked the skill, Cheat Code !
You have obtained a present: Chiaki's Undergarments .

Complete Report Card

PSN Trophies

Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair

PSN Trophy Island Mode.png

Co-Op Partner

Filled in every page of Chiaki's Report Card

Trophy Bronze.png

PSN Trophy Island Mode Gold.png

Mr. Congeniality

[9] Filled in every page of every character's Report Card

Trophy Gold.png

Danganronpa 1.2 Reload

Individual report card trophies were removed in this re-release.

PSN Trophy Island Mode Silver.png

Mr. Congeniality

[9] Filled in every page of every character's Report Card

Trophy Silver.png


  1. Chiaki is referencing the Japanese arcade game Trio The Punch: Never Forget Me... (トリオ・ザ・パンチ). This reference is about how the game has a ridiculous scenario, similar to a dream.
  2. Chiaki is referencing the Japanese arcade game Trio The Punch: Never Forget Me... (トリオ・ザ・パンチ). This reference is about another platform arcade game called Karnov (カルノフ), however the main character, Karnov, makes several guest appearances in Trio The Punch, and at one point fight a statue of him.
  3. Chiaki is referencing the Japanese arcade game Trio The Punch: Never Forget Me... (トリオ・ザ・パンチ). This reference is about a secret boss, which is a sheep.
  4. Chiaki is making a reference to the death message from the 1987 point-and-click adventure video game Shadowgate , however NIS America did a more direct translation of the Japanese message from the Famicom version. The English equivalent from the NES game is instead "It's a sad thing that your adventures have ended here!!"
  5. Chiaki is possibly referencing the hack and slash video game Dead Rising , where the player is able to kill zombies with several things inside the mall setting, which include wheelchairs and chainsaws.
  6. Chiaki is referencing the 1990 NES action game Zombie Nation , or as its known in Japan Abarenbou Tengu (暴れん坊天狗), which is a game that involves a decapitated samurai head blowing up stuff around the United States.
  7. Chiaki is making an obscure reference to the Japanese only arcade game Dancing Eyes . The gameplay involves the player undressing various characters. Most of these are females, but a few of them are pretty goofy, including a dancing cow.
  8. Chiaki is referencing the famous dating sim Tokimeki Memorial (ときめきメモリアル). In the game, there is a romantic legend that if someone confesses their love to another under this tree, then the couple will be happy together forever.
  9. 9.0 9.1 The trophy for completing all report cards, "Mr. Congeniality", refers to the "Miss Congenitality" reward given at Miss Universe beauty pageants, and the 2000 Sandra Bullock movie of the same name.



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