Funny Award Title Ideas for Family

  • Adarsh Balak Award Adarsh Balak Award

    They never break the rules. They never stray. They live to toe the official line. You know the type. Such a person is necessary to have in an organisation. They are, perhaps, as valuable as the mavericks. And that's why we have this award to celebrate them.

    Regular price
    from $29.00

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    from $29.00

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  • Baba Adam Award Baba Adam Award

    Some people are old-fashioned. Others are old timers. Some may be both. Basically, if you know someone who is an oldie in one or more ways, this award is a humourous way to celebrate their ways.

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    from $29.00

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    from $29.00

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  • Bada Fattu Award Bada Fattu Award

    You know the one that is always fearful of what the boss will think or what others will say, and is more often than not worried about upsetting someone or the other? Right. That one. Well, this award is for them.

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    from $29.00

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    from $29.00

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  • Bade Log Award Bade Log Award

    For the person who is always busy, always on a call, always occupied, and rarely, if ever, whiling away their time, we can't think of anything better than this award.

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    from $29.00

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    from $29.00

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  • Bheja Fry Award Bheja Fry Award

    Once this person starts talking, there is no telling when they will stop. To this unrelenting teller of stories, some of which may even be interesting, goes this award.

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    from $29.00

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    from $29.00

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  • Bhukkad Award Bhukkad Award

    As the name suggests, this is the award for the colleague who is always eating something or the other and ever ready to grab a quick bite.

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    from $29.00

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    from $29.00

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  • Bindaas Banda Award Bindaas Banda Award

    Every office has someone or the other who isn't afraid to speak their mind. Unfortunately, they may not be extremely popular because of this trait. That said, a person who speaks their mind is valuable to have on your team. Which is why it's a good idea to reward the ones who are skilled at being so, without being destructively disruptive while being so.

    Regular price
    from $29.00

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    from $29.00

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  • Born Jugadu Award Born Jugadu Award

    Do you know someone who always manages to find a way out, a solution, a fix, a path that you didn't know existed, this award is for them.

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    from $29.00

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    from $29.00

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  • Chai Pe Charcha Award Chai Pe Charcha Award

    Tea and conversation is very much part of life. To the one who is always up for it and, what's more, is constantly trying to get others to join them goes this award.

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    from $29.00

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    from $29.00

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  • Chal Daaru Peete Hain Award Chal Daaru Peete Hain Award

    As the end of the day nears, it's time to unwind with a drink or three. For the person who cannot wait for this time of the day and, whats more, loves to invite others to join them, we have this fun offering.

    Regular price
    from $29.00

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    from $29.00

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  • Chal Sutta Maarte Hain Award Chal Sutta Maarte Hain Award

    There are people who are ever ready to join you for a smoke, or always inviting others to join them, or frequently away on their own for a 'quick' smoke. This is the award for them. And on that note, chal sutta maarte hai!

    Regular price
    from $29.00

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    from $29.00

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  • Chappad Chappad Award Chappad Chappad Award

    The world is full of chatterboxes. Well, to the chattiest of chatterboxes goes this award.

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    from $29.00

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    from $29.00

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  • Chipku Award Chipku Award

    For the person who sticks to people like there is nothing better in the world to do goes this award.

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    from $29.00

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    from $29.00

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  • Chupa Rustom Award Chupa Rustom Award

    Some folks have hidden talents that you discover one fine day out of the blue. To the chupa rustom who surprises the most with their quiet talents goes this award

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    from $29.00

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    from $29.00

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  • Dhinchak Award Dhinchak Award

    Some people don't care much about the clothes they wear. Others, however, live to play dress-up! To the person who always looks overdressed goes this award.

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    from $29.00

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    from $29.00

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  • Dhoondte Reh Jaaoge Award Dhoondte Reh Jaaoge Award

    No, no, this has nothing to do with detergent. This award is for the person at the workplace who is most elusive. Perhaps they are hanging out with the winner of the Chal Sutta Maarte Hai Award? Who knows.

    Regular price
    from $29.00

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    from $29.00

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  • Dimaag Ki Batti Award Dimaag Ki Batti Award

    For those who are never short of bright ideas and light up like incandescent lamps every time they are presented with an opportunity to come up with ideas, we have this award.

    Regular price
    from $29.00

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    from $29.00

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  • DJ Wale Babu Award DJ Wale Babu Award

    To the person who plays the best music. To the person you turn to to play DJ at every office party. To the person whose playlist you want to own, goes this award.

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    from $29.00

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    from $29.00

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  • Ekdam Jhakaas Award Ekdam Jhakaas Award

    You marvel at this person's sense of style. At how they manage to always look...well, jhakaas! Okay, so you can't be like them, but you can certainly compliment them for setting a natty example for others with this jhakaas award.

    Regular price
    from $29.00

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    from $29.00

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  • English Babu Award English Babu Award

    Every office, possibly, has someone who fancies themselves as a bit of a Shashi Tharoor. To this English spouting, erudite, articulate, cultivated, sagacious, scholarly, and Tharoor-esque person goes this award.

    Regular price
    from $29.00

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    from $29.00

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  • Enthu Cutlet Award Enthu Cutlet Award

    An Enthu Cutlet, in case you weren't aware, is an Indian slang word that refers to a supremely enthusiastic person. Now, enthusiasm is a desirable quality to have as a professional. Some have it in spades. And for the one who has more enthusiasm than anybody else, we have the Enthu Cutlet Award!

    Regular price
    from $29.00

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    from $29.00

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  • Goa Chalte Hain Award Goa Chalte Hain Award

    The award for the person who can't wait to hit Goa any and every time an opportunity presents itself is here. By the way, what plans for the weekend? Chalein Goa?

    Regular price
    from $29.00

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    from $29.00

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  • Goli Master Award Goli Master Award

    Truth be told, this person is a consummate fibber. Let them know you know their game by giving them this award.

    Regular price
    from $29.00

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    from $29.00

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  • Great Indian Chamcha Award Great Indian Chamcha Award

    There are many people in this world whose mission in life is to play follow the leader and suck up to authority. To the best in this excessively 'agreeable' bunch goes this award.

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    from $29.00

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    from $29.00

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  • Hari Sadu Award Hari Sadu Award

    Some bosses are fearsome. They are usually irritated. Often rude. And always less than approachable. To the least agreeable in this lot goes this award.

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    from $29.00

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    from $29.00

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  • Hawabaaz Award Hawabaaz Award

    Show-offs are all over the place. They can get on your nerves. This award is a gentle way to let them know that, perhaps, they ought to turn it down a notch. Or three. That said, this award may well tempt them to show off even more, considering they have won it!

    Regular price
    from $29.00

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    from $29.00

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  • Itne Paise Mein Itnaich Milega Award Itne Paise Mein Itnaich Milega Award

    Some people are a little too punctual for the organisation's good; by which we mean the ones who, no matter what, will pack up and leave the second the official working hours end. This award is a gentle, humourous way to encourage them to not be, like, so 'punctual,' especially when it comes to closing time.

    Regular price
    from $29.00

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    from $29.00

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  • Jagga Jasoos Award Jagga Jasoos Award

    This person may not say much or be very noticeable, but they are keen observers and know more than you think they do. Yes, you know exactly who we mean. And this award is for them.

    Regular price
    from $29.00

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    from $29.00

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  • Jodi #1 Award Jodi #1 Award

    There they are! Together. And there. And there. Again. And again. Inseparable. Know anyone who fits this description? This is the award for them.

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    from $29.00

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    from $29.00

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  • Kaafi Sanskaari Award Kaafi Sanskaari Award

    They say, traditional values never go out of style. Well, this is the award for the person whose only style is to think traditionally about every thing in life!

    Regular price
    from $29.00

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    from $29.00

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  • Kaamchor Award Kaamchor Award

    Every workplace has its share of shirkers. You know them - the ones always looking for shortcuts, fobbing tasks off to others, and the like. For the shirker who does 'not doing what they are supposed to do' best, we have this award.

    Regular price
    from $29.00

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    from $29.00

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  • Kuch Toh Gadbad Hai Award Kuch Toh Gadbad Hai Award

    Finding faults in something is perhaps one of the easiest things in the world to do. And some people are consummate pros at it. This award is for them.

    Regular price
    from $29.00

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    from $29.00

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